Welcome to the Fu's Group

Libin Fu: Researcher
The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (2017)
10th Yumin Award for Science(2014)
China Academy of Engineering Physics Technology Innovation Award(2016)
1994.09-1999.07 Ph.D of Physics
Department of Physics, Lanzhou University
1990.09 –1994.07 Bachelor of Physics
Department of Physics, Lanzhou University
Field of Research:Atom and Molecule Physics,Quantum Physics
Organization: Graduate School of China Academy of Engineering Physics
Building 8, East Zone, ZPark II, No. 10 Xibeiwang East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100094
Fu Libin, is now a researcher of Graduate School of China Academy of Engineering Physics. Graduated from Lanzhou University in 1994 with a Bachelor Degree in Theoretical Physics, after which he was directly admitted by the doctoral program to work with Dr.Duan Yishi, renowned theoretical physicist, on the topics of general relativity and topological filed theory. Dr.Fu graduated with Doctoral Degree in 1999 and continued his Post-doc research on the theory of Strong Field Physics with Dr.Chen Shi and Researcher Liu Jie in Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics. Dr. Fu became an Associate Researcher of Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics in the year 2001 and was promoted with exception to Researcher in 2005, during which he visited Hong Kong Baptist University CNLS,National University of Singapore Mathematics Department,Australian National University Nonlinear Physics Center,Hong Kong Chinese University Physics Department as visiting scholar/researcher. Between year 2003 and 2004, Dr. Fu was granted Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship by Max-Planck-Institute for Physics of Complex systems in Germany.
Dr.Fu Libin has achieved many distinctive and well recognized academic accomplishments in the research of Strong Field Physics and Quantum Physics. In strong field physics, he established a semiclassical model to depict the laser-atom interaction involving quantum tunneling and electron-electron Coulomb interaction, explained the phenomenon of non-sequential double ionization (NSDI) of inert gas atoms quantitatively, and resolved the long-standing controversy over the NSDI experiments of atoms in circularly polarized laser fields. In the leading research field of quantum physics, he gave the adiabatic phase for the large spin system an intuitive geometric interpretation, derived a unified form of Bell inequality with arbitrary dimension, proposed the entanglement measure of nonlocality induced by local operation. His original work on the measurement of nonlocality induced by local operation is recognized as the “Fu distance”.
Since 1998, Dr.Fu has published 159 SCI dissertations and counting, in which there were 12 published on Phys. Rev. Lett., 80 published on Phys. Rev. A/B/C/D/E with total Cites count of 2430 and highest cite count of 212 with one article. H index 28. Dr. Fu is now continuing his research on high power laser and atomic interaction which are highly associated with high priority engineering project in his department, he was awarded 10th Yumin Award for Science and China Academy of Engineering Physics Technology Innovation Award for his distinctive contribution to said projects.